Saturday, 13 December 2008

Maunsell Army Forts

These anti-aircraft army forts designed by Maunsell are at red sands


  1. I got completely wrong what it is they do, but this is what I was on about:

    But its nowhere near as cool as the Japanese War Tuba:

  2. they are wicked!!

    Got me thinking about that part from Return to the Stars when he talks about sonic warfare

    The Research Institute for Electro-Acoustics in Marseilles moved into a new building in the spring of 1964. A few days after the move several of Professor Vladimir Gavreau's fellow-workers began to complain of headaches, nausea and itching. Some of them were so badly affected that they trembled
    like aspen leaves. In an Institute devoted to electro-acoustical problems it seemed likely that some uncontrolled radiations in the laboratory were causing the mischief. Using hypersensitive measuring apparatus the scientists covered the building from top to bottom in an attempt to find out the cause of
    their colleagues' unfortunate condition. Find it they did. However, it was not the radiation of uncontrolled electrical frequencies. It was low frequency waves which had escaped through a ventilator and subjected the whole building to subsonic vibrations.

    By one of those lucky coincidences which have so often helped research, Professor Gavreau had specialised in the investigation of sound waves for twenty years.' After the incident he said to himself that it ought to be possible to produce experimentally and
    deliberately what the ventilator had achieved unintentionally. So he and his colleagues built the first sound gun in the world in the Research Institute for Electro-Acoustics in Marseilles. Sixty-one tubes in a chessboard pattern were fixed to a grille. Then compressed air was blown through them steadily
    until a note of 196 hertz was given off. The result was devastating. Cracks formed in the walls of the new building; the stomachs and intestines of the laboratory workers began to vibrate painfully. The apparatus had to be switched off at once. Professor Gavreau wanted to follow up this experiment, but first he had a protective device made for
    the sound gun's crew. Then he built a genuine 'death trumpet' which developed 2,000 watts and sent out sound waves of 37 hertz. This apparatus could not be tested at full strength in Marseilles because it would have sent buildings crashing to the ground over a radius of several miles. At present a 'death
    trumpet' seventy-five feet long is in the course of construction. It is expected to produce sound waves with the death-dealing frequency of 3.5 hertz. Quite apart from the frightening vision such a 'death trumpet' conjures up for the future, it reminds us
    of an event in antiquity.

    After the chosen people had crossed the River Jordan without getting their feet wet and besieged the town of Jericho with its twenty-one foot thick defence walls, the priests were given complicated instructions about marching round the city and blowing their 'trumpets'. The event is described in
    Joshua (6:20) as follows:
    '... and it came to pass, when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat, so that the people went into the city, every man straight before
    him, and they took the city.'

    Neither the full blast of the priestly lungs nor a fanfare of many thousand trumpets could blow down walls twenty-one feet thick. But we know today that sound waves with deadly low hertz frequencies would have been perfectly capable of bringing down the walls of Jericho.

